Öresundsakademiet 3

The project received funding because of:
The fund sees that the project has distinct Nordic relevance by having partners from several Nordic countries. Furthermore, the project aims to include artistic and cultural educations, as well as young artists to collaborate. The fund values the project’s aim to reach beyond the Nordic countries.

About the project:
Øresundsakademiet is a decentralised, educational platform where artists can expand their work through experimental teaching projects. It offers small scale art education based on individual contributions from the participating artists. This non-local platform offers education in different locations by aiming to seek contemporary culture and discourses. Øredunsdakademiet takes place as a series of editions by having a focus on reinterpreting domestic and institutional spaces for new modes of teaching and collectivity.

Øresundsakademiet is a transnational project developed by students of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine arts and Malmö Art Academy. It intends to foster a better educational exchange between the Scandinavian art educations. The collaboration will contribute to new forms of knowledge production.

Opstart will support the project’s first pilot editions which will be arranged in Germany, Finland, Denmark and Sweden between February 2020 and January 2021. The grant will enable several workshops and talks which contribute to establishing the new academy.