O2018.0488 Kelp Congress Photo By Annette Wolfsberger

Photo: Anne Wolfsberger

The project received funding because of

The Nordic Culture Fund sees that the project has the potential to develop collaborations both in Nordic and global contexts. The theme is very actual while it takes new perspectives in ecology, arts and research by seeing seaweed as material for both artistic and scientific use.

About the project

The Kelp Congress wants to create new perspectives on the understanding and usage of seaweed through innovative and interdisciplinary thinking. The Nordic region has always had a strong relation to the surrounding seas. Through Nordic traditions, the project will create and develop views on Nordicness. The Kelp Congress aims to contribute and strengthen different forms of collaboration and networking in artist-run organisations that have ecological emphases.

The Kelp Congress is organised by LIAF 2019 (NO) in collaboration with Mustarinda (FI), The Department of Seaweed (FI), Posthumanities Hub (SE), ArtLab Gnesta (SE), Skaftfell – Center for Visual Art (IS), and Laboratory for Aesthetics and Ecology (DK). The project is co-produced by Anna Wolfsberger (NL/AT). By utilising their own areas of expertise, the collaborators will develop and facilitate three individual seminars and workshops. The project sees even great potential in creating new alliances and collaborations between Nordic actors.

The Opstart funding will contribute to transforming the project from a conceptual idea into a concrete and performed event. The development work will take place both in the Netherlands and Norway through meetings and conversations with different actors. This will create a base for the event at the Lofoten International Art Festival 2019.