The Frame Project 2

The project received funding because of:
The project aims to create new collaborations and networks across the Nordic region which is important for the development of artistic and cultural life especially in these days of locality and financial uncertainty for many artists. The program includes comprehensive goals and it contributes to creating a greater network that will promote and show Nordic artists in new contexts. As well as creating new models for showing art across the Nordic region, the project develops a new and more sustainable model for the Nordic artists’ economy. The fund supports the establishment of these new models and collaborations.

About the project:
The project organises a series of meetings in the Nordic countries during Autumn 2020. Each of the participating partners will present their resources their wishes, and requirements and explore ways in which the collaboration can take form. The collaborating partners in the Nordic region will develop a set of common goals as well as a plan for how the visions can be implemented in very concrete collaborations where artists are offered residency opportunities and exhibitions across the Nordic countries. Activities outside big cities are a central part of collaborations. 

Many artists struggle to sustain a living from their art practice. It is a challenge we share across the Nordic countries. It is therefore of great importance to developing new and more sustainable models where more artists get a share of the resources. Greater integration and mobility within the Nordic art field will be put in place to make it easier for artists to create a series of exhibitions that will travel throughout the Nordic region where artists, residency centres and institutions collaborate. 

The project will also bring contemporary art to small communities making art more accessible outside big cities. Such themes as migration, inclusion and co-operation between countries and cities will be emphasised in the project.