Field Notes 2019 Image Johanna Salmela

Field Notes, 2019. Image: Johanna Salmela

The project received funding because of:
The project meets well the assessment criteria by being innovative and with its aim to establish broad collaboration over national borders. The fund sees that the project is highly relevant and that the project has the potential to contribute to developing research and technology in today’s society.

The applicant wrote about the project:
The Anthropocene bundles a series of anthropogenic causes capable of changing the earth system and its consequences. It results in slow and violent damage of the natural life support system and life quality for current and future humans and non-humans through resource extraction, pollution, loss of habitat, climate change and other primary and secondary effects like rising water levels or shifting ocean currents. This leads to a change of weather, ecosystems, agriculture, human settlements and cultures because of the redistribution of water, plants and animals (including people) across natural and artificial borders. The current COVID-19 pandemic is a tragic example for the manifestation of human impact on the planet and its direct consequences on the livelihood of people, economy and especially the vulnerable field of art and culture.

By developing creative practices, trans-disciplinary collaborations and public engagement, the State of the Art network aims to create resilience and concrete actions on how to live the change in culture, economy and environment and find concrete, hands-on methods to deal with the Anthropocene and environmental crisis.

Furthermore, the project aims to facilitate the creation of trans-disciplinary partnerships in the Nordic/Baltic region and to share experiences, knowledge and good practices with the aim to learn and grow from a wide range of practitioners and a wide range of localities. By establishing a trans-disciplinary network, the project results in the development of solutions (technical and good practices) and infrastructure for remote facilitation, contribution and participation through innovative digital technologies. The results will be presented in an online and print on demand publication.

The involved partners share the concerns and principles set forth by the State of the Art Network to develop sustainable art and cultural practices. It was important for the steering group to gather representatives of all Nordic/Baltic countries to bring location-specific expertise and concerns to a common forum facilitating mutual learning and co-creation.