Engines For Sound Present Ancient Future Vol 1 O2019.0221

Photo credit: Adam Ross

The project received funding because:

The project is anchored strongly to Nordicness in a solid and qualitative way. The Nordic Culture Fund sees that the project has the potential to develop artistically, based on the contributors’ experience and knowledge.

About the project:

Ancient Future Volume 1 starts a new series of ambisonic performances which gathers together both Nordic music and sound producers, and traditional musicians located alongside the Mediterranean basin. The ambisonic sound environment surrounds the spectators of the piece that is a combination of the 21st Century’s electronica and ancient knowledge systems.

AFV1 sets Basque culture and the txalaparta percussion instrument in the centre of the piece, letting them create a unique ambisonic sound environment which takes references to traditions and mythologies. The sound is created by an organic and dynamic play between the musicians which constantly starts new rhythm and breaks another. This symbolises simultaneously something traditional and modern.

The initiator of the project, Rosso Adams, draws and develops new international forms of collaboration in the music field, having a strong Nordic experience same time. With his Engines for Sound hub, Adams aims to combine both old and new. This creates new meanings for Nordic and global contexts in the present.

The Opstart funding will support the project’s research and development stage by covering travelling costs and, also, the initiation of the research for Basque mythologies and culture. This will ground the further development of the project.