Augmenting The Double Bass Credit Adam Pultz

Photo credit: Adam Pultz

The project received funding because of:

The Nordic Culture Fund sees that the project is aiming for developing artistic and cultural life in the Nordic region by relating to global contexts. The contributors describe the prototype to be fully new and, therefore, the project will be a part of broader digital development.

About the project:

Augmenting the Double Bass identifies potential in the hybrid, self-organising, string instrument which corresponds to some global trends in the innovation of musical instruments. The contributors describe the experience of playing the instrument to “feel like having a co-composer inside the instrument”.

Opstart funding supports the project by enabling the contributors to meet each other and to develop the prototype. The objectives of this phase are to work and develop the double bass in such ways it can be utilised and used digitally. The contributors have similar experiences in digitalising baroque instruments.

Nordic relevance in the project is actualised through contrasts and relations with global developments in the field. The contributors see that there is a sense of method, style and material in the Nordic region but, same time, it has not been taking part in innovation and development in the Western countries. The project believes that there is a great potential to change this trend by developing the new double bass.

The contributors Halldór Úlfarsson (IS) and Adam Pultz (DK) have actively developed practices in artistic scenes and interdisciplinary activities both in the Nordic region and globally. The aim of the project is to present some results and to showcase the hybrid instrument in Iceland, Sweden and Greece.


The project received the music prize at the annual international conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression 2020. 
Find more information about the conference here: